Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hauntingly Beautiful Finds

by Stephen Beckly
I saw this building in Temecula. It was beautiful because the steel skeleton was still visible.

Pomegranate Stories

I love collecting stories about pomegranates. Years ago, we had a beautiful old pomegranate tree in our driveway and people would visit to pick flowers and vegetables from the small farm we shared with my parents. Many of our visitors would comment on the plump, red beauties which were hanging on the tree and begin to share some very touching memories they had which involved pomegranate trees. Over the years, I decided that just about everyone had a promegranate, someday I would love to write a book entitled Pomegranate Stories. I would include all the lovely stories I have heard, recipes and lore about my favorite fruit.